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Blogs > Gluten Free Land > Feb 22nd Earthquake in Christchurch

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Feb 22nd Earthquake in Christchurch

Following the recent Feb 22nd earthquake we hope that all our Christchurch members and visitors are safe and so too their friends and family. Our hearts go out to all those who are suffering losses.

Just like the September 2010 quake, I experienced it first hand with you, living in Christchurch myself.

Whilst I had a very near miss with falling debris, I am uninjured, as are my friends and family. I am incredibly grateful for this. If you have been adversely affected and there is something we can do to help please get in touch.

I will post updates on Facebook of any information I have regarding availability of gluten free food in Christchurch. These are only snapshots in time, based on my own observations so keep an eye on when they are posted and feel free to contribute any info that you may have. just like September, we need to stick together as a community to work through this.

Posted by Rory on Feb 24th, 2011 under Gluten Free Land | Permalink | Comments(0) | tweetTweet | facebookFacebook

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